The 6th largest
operator of natural gas storages in Europe

Exploration & Production
Underground Gas Storage
Drilling & Workover
Czech Republic
Underground Gas Storage
Drilling & Workover
United Kingdom
Underground Gas Storage
Underground Gas Storage
Drilling & Workover
Underground Gas Storage
Exploration & Production
Underground Gas Storage

Pan-European operator with a high level of storage services

Paneurópsky operátor s vysokou úrovňou skladovacích služieb Paneurópsky operátor s vysokou úrovňou skladovacích služieb

Sun Storage

Underground Sun Storage Underground Sun Storage

NAFTA also supports local events aimed at environmental protection

NAFTA operates in several regions across Slovakia. Whether landowners, local authorities or area businesses, NAFTA values its relationships with everybody at any location. Within these regions, it manages a sponsorship program that supports local communities, regional green development and education.
Archive of News

About Us

company profile of NAFTA

NAFTA is an international company with extensive experience in natural gas storage and underground facility development in Slovakia. It is also Slovakia’s leader in exploration and production of hydrocarbons. In Europe, the company actively operates gas storage facilities, explores and produces hydrocarbons and participates in renewable energy storage projects. In addition to Slovakia, the company is present in the Czech Republic, Germany, Great Britain, Austria, and Ukraine.

About us background

NAFTA provides development, engineering and advisory services for facilities with overall storage capacity of approximately 64 TWh.

Company history


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Staff employed at NAFTA are an important pillar for the company

As of 31 December 2023, NAFTA employed 570 people.


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