We support
We are helping to develop the locations where we operate
Vybudovanie detského dopravného ihriska Vybudovanie detského dopravného ihriska

We support

NAFTA’s activities have made the company a long-term integral element of several regions in Slovakia. Every year NAFTA provides funding to a number of wonderful initiatives that seek to further develop the places where the company has its operations.

In 2021, we bring changes into the supported areas in an effort to bring more targeted and sustainable solutions to the communities where NAFTA operates.

Green Regions and Interactive Education are initiatives whose objectives are to develop the regions to the maximum possible degree during our presence. Nonetheless, the emphasis is on how they will look once our activities have been completed. Such a way of thinking is critical for all of us at NAFTA in assessing the benefits to be gained from these projects in the long term. This is also behind our decision to change the areas of contribution, with the belief that these new initiatives will help even more to improve quality of life in the regions.

Brigáda ku dňu zeme Brigáda ku dňu zeme
  • What do our new initiatives include?

Green Regions

Projects seeking to create and protect the environment are part of NAFTA’s corporate social responsibility and we see a great benefit for communities from them.

Green Regions include plans to support initiatives focused on:

  • Creating, revitalizing and enhancing green zones and relaxation areas. Revitalizing such recreational areas and popular nature trails holds significance for several generations with a positive environmental impact. 
  • Installation of rubbish bins, separating waste produced in these zones or their ecological lighting. Volunteer events to carry out these generally beneficial activities.
  • Volunteering gives municipalities the opportunity to improve conditions for their residents and show them they care for their home. It also brings opportunity for local people to get more informally acquainted with their neighbors. 

To apply for support, complete the Green Regions Application Form (in Slovak language).

Zelené regióny Zelené regióny

Interactive Education

NAFTA sees quality education as one of the fundamental pillars of the future. But nowadays education is facing a number of challenges. That is why NAFTA’s initiative includes effectively supporting educational institutions in the regions where NAFTA is currently operating.

Requests for support in this area may cover:

  • Equipment for schools and classrooms
  • Access to computer technology and the internet
  • Innovative educational programs
  • Excercise and sport activities for children

An integral part of the initiative are physical activities and associated interaction of children, pupils and students. It doesn´t matter, whether it is youngsters playing in playgrounds or schoolchildren exercising in gyms,  outdoor gyms, sports have a positive impact on children's health. Team sports even help build cooperation and relationships between people. But current technology and progress in communications have caused interest in sports to decline. In the digital age, balancing sports with social networking and video games is becoming necessary.

Interkatívne vzdelávanie Interkatívne vzdelávanie

Educational projects

This initiative also offers our own educational projects, which let us teach young people and students in these regions about geology, taking advantage of our many years of experience in the field.

To apply for support, complete the Interactive Education Application Form (in Slovak language).

Both initiatives target municipalities, educational institutions, local non-profit organizations and civil associations in regions, where NAFTA operates. 

In addition to the key initiatives, NAFTA is continuing to provide financing in social and health area. Here NAFTA and its employees are providing assistance to children with health or physical disabilities. Philanthropic activities include our blood donation in Naftárska kvapka krvi and our active participation in volunteer events.


Please complete the project applications you can find on our website. Funding for projects in these initiatives will be approved each year depending on the number of applications received and the significance of each project for the local community and environment.

We supported...
In 2021, NAFTA provided support for 74 interesting projects and helped to develop communities by:

  • Renovations of municipal buildings, cultural landmarks and schools
  • Support of educational programs and school supplies
  • Buliding and revitalization of children playgrounds and sports grounds 
  • Support of sport events and running initiatives


Contact for community activities:

Marketing and communication department
Tel: + +421 2 4024 2696
Mobil: +421 918 985 013
Email: info@nafta.sk