Announcements of competitive public tenders, selection procedures and calls
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Current competitions

Dezinsekcia - postrek proti hlodavcom
Oprava poškodenej izolácie na spojovacích plynovodoch DN 350 PN100 - ZS2 vetva A a ZS3 vetva A
Rekondičné pobyty
MTL BARIERY - IA : VYMENA Riadiaceho systému na CAG
Odborné posúdenie spôsobilosti povrchovej technológie
Biometán Slovakia IGP
Obnova KJ TK1,2 - trafostanica
Štandardy pre Sprievodnú dokumentáciu


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Basic information

Basic information

Procurement department purchases goods, services and works needed by NAFTA through public procurement, public tenders, competitive bidding and contract management.

  • Public procurement

Certain tenders related with the core business of the company are announced and managed in line with Act 25/2006 Coll. On Public Procurement as amended.

  • Public Tenders

Some tenders comply with applicable laws and are announced and managed in line with competition provisions under Act 513/1991 Coll. Commercial Code as amended.

  • Competitive bidding

Other tendering is governed by Act 513/1991 Coll. Commercial Code as amended, by Act 40/1964 Coll. Civil Code as amended and by applicable internal regulations of NAFTA.

Contact us:

Procurement Department
NAFTA a.s.
Votrubova 1
P.O. BOX 815 05
815 05 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
Fax: +421- (0)2-4024 2531