from emission measurements
Skladovanie plynu Skladovanie plynu

Reports from authorized emission measurements

Adherence to the emission limits of pollutants emitted into the air is in the forefront of the interest of NAFTA a.s. and is proven through periodic measurements that are carried out by authorized companies.

Year 2019

Prevádzka ZNS Veľké Leváre
Prevádzka CA PZZP Láb
Centrálny areál Gajary
Prevádzka ZPS Závod
Prevádzka ZNS Gajary
Prevádzka ZS1 Jakubov

Year 2020

Prevádzka CA PZZP Láb
Centrálny areál Gajary
ZPA Gajary Báden
ZNS Dúbrava
ZS 2 Jakubov
ZS 3 Gajary
ZS 6 Malacky
ZS 7 Jakubov

Year 2021

Measurements were not carried out in this year

Year 2022

Stredisko CA PZZP Plavecký Štvrtok
Stredisko CAG Gajary
ZNS Dúbrava
Stredisko ZS 1 Suchohrad
Stredisko ZS 2 Suchohrad
Stredisko ZS 1 Gajary
Stredisko ZS 2 Gajary