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Získané prieskumné licencie na Ukrajine Získané prieskumné licencie na Ukrajine
The Ukrainian government has approved the winning companies for its Grunivska, Okhtyrska and Ichnyanska PSAs. The tender sought companies to enter into Production Sharing Agreements (PSA) with Ukraine, with the winners to be engaged in exploration and potential hydrocarbon production in the country. According to the results, EP Ukraine (90% owned by EP Power Europe and 10% owned by NAFTA a.s.) was successful in two of the PSAs - Grunivska and Okhtyrska.
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NAFTA has once more appeared at E-World Energy & Water, Europe’s most important energy fair, which was held in Essen, Germany on 11-13 February. A record 813 exhibitors showcased their portfolios of innovative products and services at the successful 20th edition of the event. The three-day fair welcomed around 25,000 visitors from 25 countries around the world.
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